Tuesday 2 April 2013

Carrier to be reassigned

Carrier to be reassigned

In the last few minutes, The Eulenbourg has agreed to reassign HIMS 'Catherine the Great' from an Air Craft Carrier to a TYPE 46.1 Destroyer with significantly enhanced weapons systems.  In an overwhelming vote The Eulenbourg agrees it has made the right decision.

Under new reorganisation, HIM Navy will be partitioned into two working fleets.  HIMSs Catherine the Great and Prince Consort will be deployed from the Naval Port of Anglesia under the command of Commodore Mattias 'Perry' Perrivitch protecting the Empire in the West Wallia Seas. 

HIMSs Prince Eugene and Crown Prince will be deployed from The Port of Alexandria protecting the Empire on its Eastern and Southern Seaboard under the command of Commodore Alexander Potemkin.

The deployment of all Naval Vessels will be directed by the Admiralty under the command of the First Sea Lord, Admiral Nelson Mandelelvitch and the Commander-in-Chief, HIM Tsar Peter III, Emperor of the Capricas, King of the Low Islands, Defender of all Lego.