Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Ambassador's Ball


Tomorrow night will see the 'Grand Ambassador's Ball' at the Winter Palace.  The occasion celebrates Caprican culture and diplomacy.  There will be several changes in diplomacy;

His Excellency Ambassador Sir Reginald Isaac Groons, will be returning to Legoland on Friday after being recalled by the Legoland Government.  His Excellency will be sadly missed in his retirement, as he was the first Ambassador from a first contacted state.  He will be rewarded with the title of 'Baron Groons of Blackrock and Glenageary'.  His replacement has a huge pair of shoes to fill.

HSH Prince Christian and HSH Princess Grace of Carpentaria will be leaving as diplomatic representatives to Caprica and the Low Islands.  To be known as 'His Excellency, Ambassador Prince Christian', and HSH (Her Serene Highness) Princess Grace.  Both will represent Caprica and the Low Islands in the PBR.

Retired Vice Admiral, Piers Augustus Greenburg will be employed as the Ambassador to Legoland and will be known as, 'His Excellency, Ambassador Admiral Greenburg'.