Caprican Embassy to be established in the Empire of Legoland
This afternoon, His Excellency Sir Reginald Isaac Groons, reconfirmed his government's acceptance in establishing a Caprican Embassy in Legoland's Capital Davidium. This is seen as a monumental move towards peace between HIM Caprican Empire and Legoland territories. A suitable Ambassador will be selected in the next few days and dispatched with a hand-written character profile.Armed Forces inspected by Their Imperial Majesties
The Tsar and Tsarina today made impromptu visits to military bases within the Empire and the Kingdom of the Low Islands. In a whistle-stop tour of five sites, Their Imperial Majesties were driven in an open-top limousine that was transported with them in a military transport plane.
The Imperial Limousine disembarks from the military transport